Our populace has many skilled artisans, historians, bards and more. As such, the Kingdom of Ardesca has groups that allow cross-branch collaboration around specific trades and interests. These guilds give people to opportunity to teach, learn, create and collaborate.

This page showcases all of the active guilds within Ardesca.

The Sacred Order of the Mystic || The Magisters’ Guild || Ardesca Rangers’ Guild || Brewer’s Guild of Ardesca || Imperial Legion

Domus Domesticis

Brewer’s Guild of Ardesca, In Order to promote growth and sharing of knowledge and experience among brewers of Ardesca the guild was formed to serve the populace and lords of the Kingdom. Our goal is to teach prospective new brewers in the art, help seasoned brewers practice and grow in their skill and knowledge, and provide refreshments during events as sanctioned by the Lords of Ardesca.

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Ardesca Rangers’ Guild aims to mentor and guide citizens in their Archery journey.


The Studium and The Magisters of Ardesca’s goal is to promote, demonstrate, and pursue the history and arts of Antiquity to the 17th century C.E. Our goal is to focus on non-martial aspects of the times we strive to recreate. We wish to create an institution that offers a stream of development and advancement for the numerous non-martial skills that were common in our society.


 Imperial Legion is an order of fighters who venture out to other organizations to fight under unified banner of the Empire.

The Domus Domesticis is a guild dedicated to the domestic arts (particularly newcomer integration and education, as well as increasing immersion) and services.

The Sacred Order of Mystic is an Kingdom-wide Order dedicated to leading and designing skillful Rituals and Ceremonies. They also serve Ardesca as Officiants, Oracles, and Sages. The Order seeks to spread it's understanding to all forms of religious and spiritual expression and to use that understanding to bolster the strength of Ardesca as a whole. Since time immemorial have religious and spiritual leaders stood next to the greatest cultures and empires of time past, and so seeks the Order to stand alongside the Kingdom of Ardesca. Nobis Deos, O Paternae.

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