Karma Legio Releases The Hounds of St. Hubert, Blue Company

— by Karma Legio on Facebook

Let it be known that Karma Legio is a Fief-Maker!

Huzzah to the Magnificent Hounds! It has been a wonderful journey witnessing and fostering your growth. We look forward to our Treaty and the glorious future ahead. We graciously release your memberships to go and create a grand new Fief to bring more glory to Ardesca!


🔱 ᚴᛆᚱᛘᛆ᛫ᛚᛂᚵᛁᚮ 🔱

Tierany Seriflame & Stigrúnr Viðarsson,
Lords Co-Consul,
🔱 Karma Legio 🔱