Viata is a Ducal Estate of Stormhold.

Viata is to serve as a home for a selection of beings from any realm, that find solace and companionship within our walls, that aid in the prosperity and wealth of beauty, mystery, strength, vitality, and balance of our existence. We know fae, we know spirits, we know all sorts of creatures. Wherever you hail from, whomever you may be, we welcome you to greet us in kind.

Our rituals and beliefs may be on an entirely different spectrum than yours, we will still sit by the fire and learn of you as you may learn of us. Doe-mey-lings are willing to recognize that we may not always exist in the same reality or realm, and that we may still be family. Existing with unseen pains and worth is still existing in beauty.

Head of Branch: Dominus Faelynn



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