A Reminder on Minors and Alcohol at Ragnaroc

— by Seraphina Delysiae on Facebook

As we approach Ragnaroc, a few things:

After last year we had a discussion about how to mark children for identification when wandering. We request that you mark your younglings in some way with your branch heraldry. We need to be able to know who they belong to.

Also, our youth are growing up, but many of them are still under the legal drinking age. A gentle reminder that we are subject to the laws of the State of Washington which says that you must be 21 to drink. If you are unsure if someone is underage, please ask, and don't serve minors. This is for our safety as an organization.

Additionally, occasionally people who are of age imbibe too deeply and become inebriated. Please take care of those in your camp who are unable to take care of themselves. If you need medical intervention, please alert one of the autocrat team so that help can be called, or if you do call on your own please let us know so we can make sure they can reach someone swiftly. We want to make sure our people are ok.

Thank you all for helping to make this a safer place to have fun and celebrate the end of the world!!