Clarification on Proxy-Voting in the House of Lords

— posted by Uno Lawspeaker on Facebook

Greeting populace,

My apologies for the late hour of this post. After talking with Sir Aveloc, there is some confusion over the validity and definitions of proxy voting in the House of Lords. With the weight of the changes proposed, I would like to make clear the following:

In order for a Lord to name a proxy-Lord to carry their branch’s votes at a House of Lords meeting, the Lord must declare their proxy to the rest of the House of Lords.

To avoid any confusion as to who is an authorized proxy-Lord, all Lords who plan to make use of a proxy-Lord at this year’s general annual meeting must reply with the name of their chosen proxy. If any Lord has questions about the use of proxy Lords, please also reply and I will answer them.

Yours in Service
Christoph Puterzenski
President, EMP

Editor’s Notes:

  • “This year’s general annual meeting” refers to the House of Lords meeting which will take place at Ragnaroc 17.
  • As a reminder, the thread linked in this post is to the Ardesca House of Lords. This means that you must be a Lord/Lady or Peer — or be called upon one — to speak in that forum.