From the Quill of the Crown, Unto the denizens of Ardesca

There was a time in the Empire when no Kingdom existed. The Empire of Medieval Pursuits coalesced in May of 2004 in Washington State and later under the Societies Act as a Canadian British Colombia Society. There were only level one and level two sized branches prior to 2011. Level three had yet to be attained and level four we envisioned would be a kingdom. When new branches wanted to be chartered, the House of Lords would convene and take a vote to pass the charter. The House of Lords created the Imperial Legion in this manner prior to the Kingdom of Ardesca forming. We had seven years with no Kingdom and no Crown.

In 2009 we experimented with subfudated branches when Astaroth (at level three) became large enough they had branches within their fief who were part of a Counsel of Elders. Debates about how this might work within or break our system of Lordly accountability and Asteroth’s Elders relationship with the Crown were heated.

In preparation for forming a kingdom and the House of Lords meeting, there was a level four (for that was our highest number at the time) branch charter prepared. Before this time, there was no branch that carried the name “Ardesca.” Though this vote passed in 2011, it was not unanimous. The leadership of Arandor did not believe we, as the Empire of Medieval Pursuits, were ready. One of the things they believed was lacking was the exercise of a feudal structure. 

In the summer of 2011, hosted by Viadrina at a place called the Grene Wode, in British Columbia, we became Ardesca.

Our Crowns have been (in sequence):

Queen Tayissa 

King Vego

Queen N’Ket (successfully usurped by King Vego) 

King Aveloc

King Theron & Queen Tierany 

King Samael

King Turalyon & Queen Alanna

Queen Aloya

King Vego

King Flanagan & Queen Drahamera

Queen Tayissa & King Derek 

King Aveloc & Queen Yeshika

Under the rule of King Turalyon and Queen Alanna, we gained a branch size 2.5 in the Ardesca charter which incorporated the vision of what became the Counties with feudal estates to be fought over.

In the reign of King Flanagan and Queen Drahamera, we knew Ardesca had picked up enough wisdom that we believe the Empire branch structure should be reflective of those lessons. We opened the discussion of Empire Branch Rules to all the leadership and again, the discussions were passionate. We knew we wanted the rules to be clear enough for new Kingdoms to have a common structure for interaction, while also being open enough for expansive creativity. 

We understand that excellence does not flourish if it has no competition. Though it may seem counter to Ardesca’s best interest to loose a portion of itself to a new kingdom, We know it will do Us good. We have approved the first level five branch charter in the Grand Duchy of Dwoemerfell and We are uncertain of its future, yet We know We must risk in order to learn. Though it may not be as visible to Our citizens outside of the current duchy, We recognize the efforts of the Misty Blue Mountains this past year as well. They embarked on a path more similar to Ardesca’s birth with a formation of a House of Lords who well are poised to become a new kingdom. The saga of the Empire’s growth continues and We are excited to see how it incorporates new visions and forms.