Sam Archer Garnering Support

— by Samuel Archer on Facebook

Greetings Lords and Ladies, Peers, and Citizens one and all,

Today I reach out to you to garner your support for my run to Crown of Ardesca, of both artisans and warriors!

I respect the Venerable Vego and what he strives for in his vision for Ardesca. But I too have participated in the growth and expansion of this grand Kingdom, since before the first Crown was claimed and worn by the Illustrious Tayissa, and have my own vision and plans. Not only to encourage the martial prowess of our warriors and fighters, but to build our arts, our sciences, and our oritary. I want to see our minds be as sharp as our blades. Our tongues to, be as quick as a blade strike, in the debate. Our artisans to make such works of art that it draws as many people to interact and see the art as much as our warriors fight each other!

I know this battle will be a near Herculean task for any who wishes to join me, but on top of the glory of doing the impossible I will promise the following; any fighter who pledge their weapon to me will be paid in cider, salt, bread and coin. Also any who show particular acts of gallantry on the field of battle will also earn a small boon for either themselves or their homeland. Artisans, who dedicate their time to me will get, if victory is achieved, a substantial boon for their homelands, otherwise I can guarantee what I will be paying the soldiers will also be paid out to you as well. If any particular works of art catches my eye I will also give that artisan a small gift from me as well, as a thank you. And last, but not least, any leaders of these many and diverse lands within our Kingdom pledge their support to me will earn a large boon for their respective homelands, as well as my undying thanks!

I look forward to seeing you all on the field of battle come the end of the month named for Emperors of old. And may the better army take the day!

Capitán de Ventura Samuel Archer de Venecia

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